Monday, December 16, 2013

Daring to Dream

There are so many dreams that I have had throughout my life. While many of my dreams have come true, there are still a multitude of magnificent dreams that surround me, and dance like breathtakingly beautiful silhouettes. They are formed within the depths of my heart and soul, inspiring me to run this race of life ever forging ahead, allowing nothing to stop me from achieving every last thing that I know is mine for the making!

As a little girl I remember believing that I could do absolutely anything that I could imagine. As I grew older, I realized that the dreams I once aspired to achieve were thwarted by poor choices and wrong thinking. Then it occurred to me! If my dreams were ever going to become a reality I would have to believe that others would be drawn to me and that my vision would inspire them to take chances that they normally would never take. And together we will hold hands, reach up to the stars, and see once unattainable dreams and visions become our reality.

I hold fast to the belief that vision attracts vision, and dream attracts dream. I like to think about the Law of Sympathetic Resonance. An illustration of this law is this: Picture that you have two pianos in a large room. There is a piano at one end of the room and another diagonally at the far end of the other side of the room. If you were standing at one of the piano's and were to strike a key you would be able to hear the sound, but then if you were to walk across the room to the second piano, and lift up the top, you would find that the same key that you struck on the first piano would be vibrating on the second piano even though you never laid a finger on it! 
Everything in life is created out of vibrations, and these vibrations become the magnet for those elements and people who share the same or similar dreams and visions that you do. Like attracts like. This is a universal law.

There are many different aspects and elements involved within achieving a dream. You may have a spectacular dream, but don't know how to run a business, or maybe you have great business savvy but have no idea how in the world to procure the funding that it is going to take in order to bring your dream to fruition. But as you pursue your dream, the very action of moving toward it sets the magnetic law of attraction in motion to bring all of the people, resources, and opportunities together collectively who can assist in making your dream become a reality. 

Think about it this way for a second. I'm sure that there are things that you have found such passion for that every chance you got you shared your ideas and vision with everyone you knew and anyone else you met along the way. Something magical happens as you begin to share your dream with others. Imagine that your enthusiasm inspires someone as you share your dream with them, and though they might not personally have any idea how to make it happen, they know someone that they are inspired to share what you have told them. 
The person who shared your vision with the person they know just so happens to know exactly what it is going to take in every step of the way to accomplish your dream(s). Even though that person who gets your vision may not know how to do all of the things that it is going to take to make it happen, they just happen to know another person who does. And then that person magically knows someone who can facilitate the funding that you need to get started, and it seems almost miraculous that these people are all on board with being a part of making your dream come to life. As you are introduced to someone else who knows exactly how to market your dream, voila your end result is that you have a plethora of resources and the people to help you accomplish your dream.

It seems so magnificent at the way everything all flows together  and finds its way into place. All because you passionately believe in your dream and don't hesitate to share it. The moment you realized you had a dream or a vision of what you would love to do in your life, your intention began the process of attracting and organizing all of the people who have the heart for your vision, and the resources and/or abilities necessary to bring your vision to life and be a part of making your dream come to pass!

I believe with all of my heart that if you have a dream that is big enough for you to accomplish on your own then I say your dream isn't big enough yet! Dreaming bigger than yourself takes amazing faith! Faith won't let you give up or let you let go of your dream even when things look like you are no closer than when you started and are feeling that after all of your time and hard work that there isn't an end in sight. It is your faith and belief in yourself that will hold your heart and your hand to guide you into the endless possibilities that are only available to those who aren't willing to let go of their dreams.

I can tell you that I have dreams that are so clear and vivid in my mind, and I live with the belief that I already have it and that I already am "xyz" rather than thinking that I have to become whatever it is. I continue to move forward believing that my preparation is the precursor that begins assembling everything I need or desire to arrive into my reality. Faith shows me a parallel universe. Reality is this tangible universe, but dreams and hopes are wired from what is abstract and unseen by our senses into this realm and into our experience because we see through the eyes of our heart and take action based on that. 
No matter how much time goes by, even when things look hopeless or there are more times than not when it seems that my dreams are against all odds and I am baited by the temptation of "impossibility" to give up or become discouraged, I simply can't deny what my heart already sees is completed. Then I am re-inspired again and again. 
Our dreams exist and they are more than just ideas or things we want to have. Our dreams are our wings that we have been given to fly. And much more than just dreams, they are the keys to unlocking the doors within our hearts deepest desires; made possible by continued faith and the pursuance because of our belief in them- even when it seems like I am the only one who can see what I see or believe is possible. 

My vision is clear and my purpose is great. I will continue living everyday with passion while yielding my heart to faith while preparing myself and creating my dreams with expectancy and patient cultivation. Along the way I hold my dreams dear to my heart, and fan the flames of passion, inspiration and hope so that together we can continue to discover that pushing the envelop and pursuing our dreams ultimately holds the keys that unlock the doors that lead us into our destiny!

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