Saturday, December 28, 2013

I am a human BEing not a human DOing :)

I am certain of one thing in this moment and that is I am exactly where I am supposed to be. I don’t mean that being in school is it, or working a job, or even the place where I am living. I am exactly where I am supposed to be means that I am learning more about myself and honestly addressing the things that I have always feared. I am recognizing how my ego still gets in the way and how I am so quick to make impulse decisions without first counting the cost(s) and call it faith

There are so many things that I would still be unwilling to see about my “why’s” if I weren’t doing what I am right now. I see my avoidance's, my hopes, my actions and the way I feel about all of it. I am overwhelmed and in this I am realizing how to choose what I can live with on a totally new level. I am certain that there is no power outside of peace and where there is love there is always peace.

I have learned about the truth of what a comfort zone really is and it is not a negative thing like I believed it was. I am in and out of my comfort zone choice by choice. I am constantly moving into the unknown even if I am doing well. It is always uncertain. This is why I can grow. This is why we all grow and move and expand.

I AM facing my fear, I am boldly moving ahead even when I have no idea where and how I am going to do this. I am living bravely, yet I am realizing that there is a difference with being brave and doing the things that are ego impulse prompted in the name of courage and bravery. This is ugly for me to see still exists in me…I think the only difference is that it never goes away. I just change and become proficient with being able to see myself and my true motives within every step that I take. 

Seeing me is seeing the light, and in that I will always be able to see where I am if I will always be honest with myself and not sit in my drive to BE successful or accomplish something just because nobody else in my family has ever done it. Being is just that. Doing is something that is completely different but has been interchangeably used as if the two are the same. I continue discovering that they are not.

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