Thursday, January 23, 2014

Time is Frozen

*My Painting- Girl in thought*
What is time?
Eternity has no such thing
Only one
Only now

We are told we are of time
That the clock is forever ticking
So we age and we believe we are

We tell ourselves this is true
and so it is
Until it's not

I don't believe 
I was ever created to be “on the clock”
So I live
and the older I get
The younger I become

Though younger doesn't mean I haven't learned...
Wisdom is Eternal
Form is not

So I continue transforming
In this beautiful gift called time
For time and time again I am amazed
To experience the power
That has always been alive inside of me

Time is nothing more than a grand illusion
Living by time
Means the clock can run out
Living in time as the eternal that we are
Stops the clock
Freezes time
we still are

It's hard to tell if time is still going
or paused like a stop watch...
click and stop to watch

Belief is created by our perceptions
Of what we think we are seeing
We are easily influenced
By the universal slight of hand

Yet when you know who you are
That you are in everything and everyone
That there is no such thing as separation
Regardless of how much our mind tells our eyes that there is

You can never lose yourself 
For all you need to do is look all around you
and you will see that everything you thought about everyone else
Is nothing more than the reflection 
Mirroring back to you what is actually inside ...
of you 

Your mind is nothing more than the time machine
 Created within us … before time began
and your mind can transport you
To any place your imagination can carry you
Faster than the speed of thought
Into what we call past, present and all that could be
Because you're here and already there
at the very same time

I've taken the time to return
To the places where I was destroyed
Vaporized, Terminated
Only to realize once again
That I'm still here
My heart is the keeper and healer of those times
Though I will tell you
It takes being out of your mind
To see and think with your heart

This is the gift we have been given
Free to use
Free to create
From the inner life
That worlds are created from
but only activated by the willingness
To believe

We have not because we ask not
but though we think we're always asking
Maybe, just maybe we are so busy asking
For the things we think we want
That we don't even realize
We've been asking all the wrong questions


If we haven't been asking questions at all
How will we ever know
Whether we have gotten any of what we're asking for
or not?

Dreams are constructed
One thought at a time
While they may come fully assembled
In the realms that only we can see
When we look through our own eyes
Upon the movie screen of our mind
We think and our dream puzzle
Arrives into our world one piece at a time

It is up to us to figure out
What pieces we have
What pieces we need
and how to put it together

For you are the blueprint to your own dream
and that means you are also the key
To bringing what you see into the world
Where others can share in your magnificent vision
and become inspired to never stop reaching for their own

For our dreams were given to us
By the one who created us and gave us our life
We were His dream
Before He shaped us in His image
Made us just like Him
and then breathed His own life
Into all that we are

Our gift back to the creator of all
and the greatest gift we can give ourselves
Is not just to live our dreams
but to live them out as we share them
In every step of this journey we make!

Authored by: Elizabeth Walker

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